Looks like with the reduction in limitations due to Covid-19, the dog shows are up and running! We are overdue for a few of our kids to be out and about - and we are so pleased that a number of owners of dogs we bred are having fun getting into the show ring too!
We encourage owners to DO MORE WITH YOUR DOG and also are pleased the CKC is offering a versatility award as well to recognize when you are able to accomplish multiple achievements with your dog. Don't forget that the Canine Good Neighbour Program is still running and will be offered at the Canadian Pet Expo in the coming year.
We will be attending the Scarborough dog show in Lindsay Ont. in the next coming weeks, and are looking forward to spending time with our dog show friends!

We are proud to note that Wrath was able to finish his championship in February, ending it off with a Best of Breed win to seal the deal! Now known as CKC Ch. ABI Jr.Ch. Cidwm's Fullmetal Silver Dragon, NS - so happy to share him with our friend Krystal Z.
Stay tuned for more show updates - and be sure to check our Facebook page for updates and photos as we go!